AffiliationsCurrentUniversité de Bourgogne Franche Comté. This is a new institution, located in Besancon, expected to gather and supersede the seven university institutions of Burgundy and French County. FEMTO-ST Institute, a research laboratory with the CNRS. This is my primary research affiliation (as customary in France, professors lecture at the university, and carry on their research in an affiliated lab). I spend most of my time in this laboratory, at the Time and Frequency Dept. Université de Franche Comté. This is my primary teaching affiliation, located in Besancon, France. I lecture on various topics of electronics, physics and metrology. INRiM, the Italian Institute of Primary Metrology, located in Torino, Italy. I have a honorary affiliation to the INRiM, and regular research collaborations. Supmicrotech/ENSMM, the Technical University of Besancon. This is not an affiliation in strict sense, but where my office is located, and the The Time and Frequency Dept. of FEMTO-ST as well. Past AffiliationsUniversité Henri Poincaré, (Université de Lorraine since July 2013). I got my first full-professor position there, in 2000-2006. ESSTIN. The school of engineering at the Université Henri Poincaré, where I lectured Electronics in 2000-2006. Politecnico di Torino. The technical university of Torino, my first permanent position as a researcher, 1990-2000. As a Guest ScientistJPL. I had great time as a visiting scientist in 2003-2006. Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptic. I enjoyed spending (too little) time as a guest in this outstanding lab. Smart and friendly colleagues. OEwaves. I enjoyed consulting with those smart and friendly people. Università di Parma. As a guest professor, I lectured Electrical Measurements in 1993-1996. |